We deliver Careers and Work-Related Learning across all of our 3 pathways.
Students are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and personal qualities with the absence of stereotypes. The programme has equality of opportunity, diversity, and inclusion, whilst promoting the best interests of the student to whom it is given.
Pre- formal
Through an individualised approach, and opportunities to work as part of a team, our Work-Related Learning Journey focuses on the development of communication, social & emotional, and physical development skills. We also explore ways in which pupils can contribute to the wider community.
Semi Formal Pathway
We promote and support participation as an individual or group on work related skills and engagement with the practical skills that are needed in adult life to enable individuals to access social, cultural and leisure activities.
Formal Pathway
There is a focus on life skills required for independent living and the world of work. Pupils experience a range of internal and external work placements. Pupils are supported to develop enterprise and employment skills
Moving on from school can be a worrying time for parents and young people, however there is support available to help you with preparing for next steps.
How you can support your child:
- Talk regularly with your child or your young person to discuss their hopes and plans for the future and share this information with their class teacher.
- Attend Annual Reviews and make sure that the Education and Health Care Plan for your child accurately reflects their needs and includes plans for the future.
- From Year 9 onwards you will be able to liaise with our careers advisor.
- Look at the websites of Local and Specialist Colleges to find out about courses on offer, watch their virtual tours, and see dates of open days when you can visit. It is always best to visit where possible, so that you are informed about how different colleges can best support your young person.
- Attend local Careers events – these will be publicised to parents through our website and via email
Useful links
Kisharon College –
Barnet and Southgate College –
Oaklands College –