Careers and Work-Related Learning
“By the age of 16, every pupil should have had a meaningful encounter with a provider of the full range of learning opportunities.”
The careers leaders at Kisharon Noé School is Silvia Labra. If you would like any information regarding our careers programme they can be contacted via the school office at or by contacting the school 020 8455 7483
Click the icons to view more information:
You can also view our Careers Policy to learn more about our aims and curriculum requirements.
We aim to ensure a high quality of vocational and careers education for young people with special educational needs, to be delivered in a meaningful and appropriate way for their needs and circumstances.
Our vision is to equip our pupils with skills, understanding and confidence to make a positive transition at the end of their time at the school whether this be in further education, employment or independent and supported living.
We have high career aspirations, and we aim to widen our pupils’ ambitions for employment.
Through opportunities for taster sessions, work experience, mentoring, inspiring speakers, and role models we aim to support help young people to make informed decisions about their future aspiration.
Career Opportunities for Kisharon Students
At Kisharon School, we offer a wide range of career opportunities and experiences to help students prepare for life beyond education. Our approach is tailored to meet the individual needs and interests of each pupil, ensuring that they gain valuable skills and insights into different work environments.
By providing hands-on experiences and guided support, we help students develop essential life skills that are vital for their future progression and understanding the “world of work”.
One key aspect of our careers program is work experience, which is customised to match the interests and abilities of our pupils. Students have the opportunity to explore placements in various fields, such as childcare, retail, hospitality and other service industries. These experiences allow them to develop practical skills, gain confidence in a professional setting, and understand the dynamics of different workplaces.
The Kisharon Bike Shop
A unique feature of our careers offer is the Kisharon Bike Shop, where students can learn practical, hands-on skills. Here, they gain experience working with tools, repairing tyres and brakes, and ensuring the safety of customer bikes. The bike shop also provides a chance for pupils to interact with the public, helping them build customer service skills and practice effective communication in a real-world environment. They are also working with us to offer a City and Guilds qualification for pupils who show an interest and aptitude in this setting.
The Kisharon Cafe
The Kisharon Café is a new initiative that allows students to take part in school and parent events, preparing and serving refreshments. This experience enhances their ability to work in a team, improves their communication skills, and offers further customer service training. It’s a great way for pupils to engage with the community and apply their learning in a practical context.
Careers Week
We also host an annual Careers Week, where professionals from various industries visit the school to give talks and workshops. This event exposes students to a wide array of careers, including roles in the arts, sports, healthcare, with visits from a recycling centre and even a pilot. These interactions help pupils understand the skills and qualifications needed for different jobs and inspires them to consider various career paths. We also have links with Kisharon Langdon College, who come to visit our pupils to discuss further educational next steps. Past pupils love to come and share their experiences of college with the old school friends, allowing them to explore the pathways from a personal perspective.
Our careers program is aligned with the Gatsby Careers Framework, ensuring that our pupils receive comprehensive guidance on employment opportunities and pathways into adulthood. This framework supports our goal of preparing students for their future to be as independent as they can be, regardless of their abilities, and helping them develop the skills needed to succeed.
Workshops are offered for pupils to gain the skills to apply for a job, including CV writing and interview skills, allowing them to explore their own interests to inform their choices of career progression. Workshops are offered by Mencap and Get Ahead WEX.
Additionally, students enhance their food technology and kitchen skills through fortnightly lessons with a chef. This hands-on learning provides experience in meal preparation and food safety, further contributing to their vocational skillset.
Kisharon School’s careers offer provides a diverse, supportive pathway that equips students with the skills, confidence, and experience needed for the next steps in their lives.
Learner Entitlement
All young people in Years 7-14 are entitled:
- To find out about Further and Higher Education qualifications, supported internships, apprenticeship opportunities, paid employment and volunteering as part of their careers programme
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer through events, Jobs Fairs, College Links, EHCP reviews and transition planning meetings
- To understand how to make applications for Further Education courses, supported internships, apprenticeships, paid employment and volunteering opportunities
- To know about alternative provision in the community for those where further education or employment is not suitable
Management and Delivery
Our careers strategy aims to ensure continued improvements and quality assurance. To do this we carry out self-review and evaluation of the school’s programme. We measure our programme against the ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’ using the Compass online self-assessment tool.
The Government expects all schools to use the eight Gatsby Benchmarks to improve their careers provision:

Kisharon Noé School is committed to fulfilling its statutory duty to secure independent and impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for young people in Years 8-13 under Section 29 of the Education Act 2011 (Section 45A of part VII of the Education Act 1997).