
What support is there for my child’s wellbeing?

The class tutor is responsible for the day to day well-being of their pupils. Where appropriate, pupils have an Individual Health Care Plan which identifies their care needs including personal care needs or the administration of medication and also a Behavior Plan, if needed.   It also identifies emergency procedures to be followed, where appropriate.

Supporting our pupils’ emotional, mental health and wellbeing is a priority area; please see policy “Mental Health and Wellbeing”. We utilise the support of our therapy team, including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, music therapist, educational psychology as part of our ongoing commitment to multi-agency working to ensure that the needs of the whole child are met.

Promoting good emotional, mental health and wellbeing linked to good physical health is approached throughout our curriculum and specifically our Emotional Wellbeing curriculum.  It also has a robust Anti bullying policy as part of the Positive Behaviour Management Policy, reinforced through the Emotional Wellbeing curriculum and focus assemblies reinforce our whole school ethos of prioritising wellbeing.

Pupils with more complex emotional health needs can be identified by teachers or teaching assistants as requiring additional support and the most appropriate intervention will be allocated following a multi-disciplinary team meeting.

The school has:

  • A sensory room
  • Full-time therapy staff, employed directly by the school
  • A range of outdoor spaces
  • High number of staff trained in mental health first aid
  • School leaders trained in Leading a Mentally Healthy School
  • Ongoing support from the Anna Freud centre
  • Good communication with our local mental health teams for pupils open to this service

Please find below a number of activities to help support mental health and well-being:

Activities to support positive mental health

Breathing Boards

Five Senses Worksheet

Mindfulness Colouring

Mindfulness Challenge Cards

My Main Worries Activity Sheet

Please find below a number of websites to help support mental health and well-being:

Free and recommended online counselling from Barnet

Services near you and lots of amazing advice

Online and social media advice

Counselling service for children and young people

Promotes the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people.

NHS Direct online health advice

National drugs helpline

Provides a range of specialist services for women and girls that have been raped or experienced another form of sexual violence

Useful exercises and information on a range of issues including stress

What support is there for staff’s wellbeing?

The governors and leaders of Kisharon School are committed to protecting the wellbeing of all school staff. There are a number of wellbeing initiatives throughout the school underpinned by the NHS’ 5 steps to mental wellbeing. The NHS states that evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.

At Kisharon we have adopted these 5 steps and each term or half-term focus on one of the areas. This focus is for staff, young people and their families and we work together to improve both our wellbeing and the wellbeing of others in our school and the wider community.

Kisharon staff well-being charter