Key Information
Key Information

Additional funding

Pupil premium funding

The pupil premium grant is additional funding you receive for certain pupils. It’s allocated separately to the rest of your budget, and there are rules about how you can spend it. Please see the pupil premium tab for more information.

PE and sport premium (primary only)

Like the pupil premium, this money is allocated separately and there are rules about how to use it. Please see the PE and sport premium tab for more information.

Catch up premium and School-led tutoring

Coronavirus catch-up funding is for helping pupils to catch up on missed learning, especially ‘disadvantaged’ pupils. The School-Led Tutoring is part of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) in 2021/22.
Eligible state-funded schools receive a ring-fenced grant to source their own tutoring provision for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils who have missed the most education due to COVID-19. Please see the Catch up premium tab for more information.