Welcome to our SEN Information Report
We value all members of the Kisharon Noé School community and we embrace the fact that every child and young person is different, and, therefore, the educational needs of every learner are different. We ensure that all pupils have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is personalised to meet individual needs and abilities.
What kind of SEN provision is available at Kisharon Noé School?
- Kisharon Noé School is a special free school designated to educate pupils with a wide range of special educational need and disability in the categories of:
- physical disability
- severe learning disability
- profound and multiple learning disability
- sensory impairments
- autism spectrum condition
- speech, language and communication impairments
- complex medical needs
- Many of our pupils have co-occurring difficulties
What is the admissions process for Kisharon Noé School?
All pupils attending or wishing to attend Kisharon Noé School must have an EHC Plan or be in the process of being assessed for one
How will Kisharon Noé School identify and assess my child’s special educational needs?
- All children have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or are under assessment, on entry to Kisharon Noé School
- The plan details the required provision for each child
- The plan is reviewed on an annual basis with all agencies involved with the child and their family
- Assessments are carried out on an on- going basis to determine progress and next steps for short term targets
- Therapist’s carry out assessments to determine effectiveness of programmes and determine next steps
How does Kisharon Noé School work in partnership with Parents and Carers?
- We hold an Autumn term and Spring parent meetings
- We share regular updates and photographs on Class Dojo
- We acknowledge and draw on parents’ knowledge and expertise in relation to their own child
- As part of the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) annual review process, you will be invited to share and contribute towards a report which outlines the progress your child is making
- Personal Learning Plans and progress towards the next steps identified in these are shared with parents at least termly
- We provide relevant information about how parents can support their child at home
- We provide a termly report to parents
- You are welcome to discuss your child’s progress with us at any time
- Successes are shared and celebrated on a regular basis
- Termly parental coffee mornings are held
- There is regular information conversations via phone and email
- Regular newsletters
- Curriculum evening takes place at the beginning of the year, led by the Headteacher after which parents have an opportunity to meet the teachers and learn about the curriculum for their individual classes
How do we involve our pupils?
- We take a supportive approach to encouraging our pupils to take on an increasingly active role and develop their voice and participate in their review cycle in line with their ability to do so
- School council
- Pupil voice and assessment for learning during lessons
- Pupils on the formal pathway are involved in assessing their targets
How does Kisharon Noé School review and assess progress?
- We ensure that assessment levels are tracked on an ongoing basis and assessed each half-term
- We hold termly Pupil Progress Meetings, involving the Class Teacher and SLT
- We hold at Termly Personal Education Plan meetings with staff and parents, along with the school Parent’s Evenings
- EHCP Annual Reviews
- Close involvement with therapists
- We work closely with parents to obtain their views and help shape provision
How does Kisharon Noé School support pupils moving between phases of education, and in preparing pupils for adulthood
- An individualised transition package is put into place for pupils who are joining Kisharon Noé School. This may involve home visits, face to face meetings with parents, visits to current settings, attendance at EHCP meetings, liaison with LA complex needs teams
- We incorporate the teaching of basic key skills necessary for a successful educational career and future adult life
- We encourage attendance at open days
- Planning for life after Kisharon Noé School is supported and information is shared as required to ensure that every student’s move to the next setting is smooth and successful
- Post 16 open day to support parents with their options moving forward
- Our Post 16 classes have a personalised curriculum to prepare them for life beyond Kisharon
How does the curriculum at Kisharon Noé School meet pupils needs?
- The curriculum at Kisharon Noé School takes account of the individual abilities and needs of our learners; the curriculum is divided into three streams – informal, semi-formal and formal – which are specifically designed to support the individual needs of the pupils
- Our curriculum provides pupils and students with the opportunity to develop and learn within a supportive environment and foster positive attitudes to learning that lead to success and achievement
- Our curriculum is broad and balanced and takes into account equality and diversity and the teaching of British values
- Close working with the multi-disciplinary team of therapists ensures an integrated and holistic approach to educating the whole child
- All planning is highly differentiated for each child and the support provided for each individual child is outlined in their EHC Plan and Personal Learning Plans
What training is provided to develop and secure staff expertise?
- We are committed to developing to developing the knowledge and skills of all staff to manage the challenges of the range of needs in the school, and to ensure that all support is of high quality
- Weekly whole-school training takes place to meet the whole-school training needs. In addition to this classes have bi-monthly therapy training sessions which are tailored to the indivudals in the class
- Training is also bespoke to the needs of each individual staff member, discussed in their performance management, and may include additional training depending on needs of the pupils with whom they work or career enhancement opportunities
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our provision?
- We have robust procedures for self-evaluation and monitoring our work across all aspects of provision
- Member of the SLT hold weekly Learning Walks/Observations to review effectiveness of provision
- Termly pupil progress meetings are held
- The Trustee Board play a key role in holding the School to account for performance
- The school is supported by the LA special school network inspector
What activities are available in addition to the curriculum?
Suitable arrangements are made for children to access other extra-curricular activities e.g.
- Lunchtime clubs
- Swimming
- Horticulture
- Off-site trips and activities
- Annual school show
What equipment and facilities are there to support young people with special needs? Kisharon Noé School is a fully equipped, modern special school located in a new building.
Physical resources include:
- Hydrotherapy pool
- Hoists for children who require manual handling, including access to the hydrotherapy pool
- Multi-sensory room
- Specialised and secure outdoor play areas
- Disabled toilet and hygiene facilities
- Access to specialised seating for children with physical difficulties
- Sensory Integration facilities
- Physiotherapy room
- Occupational Therapy room
- Rebound therapy trampolines
- Break out rooms with soft padding
- Computers, interactive screens and iPads accessible for all children
- Adapted software and hardware, eye gaze technology, access to low and high tech communication equipment (augmentative and alternative communication – AAC)
- Food technology room
- Music therapy room
How does Kisharon Noé School support emotional and social development?
- Staff members with Mental Health First Aid training
- Speech therapists carry out news groups and SmilE Therapy with our formal and semi formal learners
- Play therapy
- Lego therapy
- Music therapy groups
- Sensory diets
- Daily wellbeing time for all classes
- Mood meters
- Yoga
- Teaching of different feelings words
- Behaviours support plans
- Jigsaw PSHE programmes of study followed by our Formal and Semi Formal Leaners.
- Zones of regulation
- Access to psychologists
- Pet therapy
How the Kisharon Noé School involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority (LA) support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting pupils needs and supporting their families
- We actively develop our partnerships with external agencies
- We greatly value the advice and support we receive
- Volunteers for reading and lunchtime
What do I do if I have a concern about the provision at Kisharon Noé School?
- In the first instance please contact the class teacher
- If concerns are on-going, please contact the Headteacher
What do I do if I have a complaint about the provision at Kisharon Noé School?
- Any complaint that cannot be resolved by the class teacher or the headteacher is always referred to the Chair of Trustees.
- A parent also has the right to take a complaint directly to the Trustee Board
Details of the Barnet SEND Offer
- Details of Barnet’s Local Offer for special educational needs and disabilities can be found at www.barnetlocaloffer.org.uk