Key Information
Key Information

Assessment occurs on a daily basis throughout all activities to inform future planning and to map progress. This is a formative method of gathering evidence through videos, photos, and observation. This information is used termly to inform the summative assessments on b-squared, allowing us to collect detailed data on pupil progress which is compared to national data through a system called CASPA. Twice yearly meetings are held by the Senior Leadership Team to monitor pupil progress.

Annually, teachers, therapists, parents and sometimes pupils and anyone else involved with each pupil, meet to review the EHC Plan. At this meeting long and short term outcomes are reviewed and new ones set for the coming year. These are reflected in the personalised learning plans.

Long term outcomes are decided for the end of the next key stage.

In addition, parents are provided with an End of Year Annual Report of their child’s progress and attainment in all subject areas, including reports from therapists.

Parents are invited to Open Evenings in the Autumn and Spring Terms where they have an opportunity to meet and discuss progress with the class teacher and therapists.

The class teacher, in consultation with parents, therapists, external professionals where appropriate, and pupils develops each PLP which is reviewed and updated termly.

Our staff are always happy to meet with parents and carers to discuss your child’s progress.  Appointments can be made through the school office.